Falco - Responsive Multi-Purpose Joomla Theme

Falco - Responsive Multi-Purpose Joomla Theme

Falco theme is the fully responsive multipurpose joomla template for corporate, agency, nonprofit, freelancer or general business with attitude. including Page-builder and Layout builder for more suitable for your bussiness. Its built with twitter bootstrap and very well coded so it is very easy to edit and modify things. Also font Awesome icons and many more super-awesome features to keep you busy & satisfied.

Template Features

* Page builder (Drag & drop)
* Layout builder (Drag & drop)
* K2 component Styling Template
* Fully Responsive Design
* Mega Menu System
* Scrolling Animation and CSS Efftect
* Multiple layout
* Multilingual Supported
* Responsive Unit Revolution Slider
*Built-in Google Fonts
*Built-in Google Fonts
* Multilaguage supported
* Rich typography
* Logo Option
* CSS & JavaScript Compression
* Easy Admin
* Unlimited Module positions
* Fonts Option
* RTL Language Support
* Powered By BootStrap
* Built With Less
* Google Analytics
* Compatible with Joomla 3.+ including quick start package.
* Used Helix Framework II (updated)
* Designed with HTML5 and CSS3.
* Fresh and Clean Design.
* Customizable Design and Code.
* Multy Column Portfolio
* All installed Extensions (Component, Modules and Plugins) are included in package.
* Native jQuery Support
* Built-in match height option
* Slide to top smoothscroll
* Optimized code for search engines which helps in SEO
* Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome
* Full Documentation included for your help.
* And much more features.

Source & Credits

Graphics Credits:
* Typography icon styles by Brankic1979
* Some images Taken from inmagine.com
* Some Dummy images Taken from photodune.net
* Slider module from Unitecms.net

Note: In demo template used some premium images, modules & component which is taken from above website, that was not include in the main file.

CSS Scrolling Effects:
* Daniel Eden – https://twitter.com/_dte

Photography & Image Credits:
A big thank you to the following people* Isabela Rodrigues
* Daniel Zedda

Extensions Credits :
A Special thank you to the following people

… # Initial Version 1.0.0 …