Why choose Colibri?
We’ve learned that many musicians use social media to fill the content for their official websites, mostly because they don’t have time to update it. And who likes a website with very few content or, worse, with outdated content?So, we’ve thought to bind WordPress and the most popular social tools on a next level and made a WordPress theme which fill 80% of its content from Soundcloud, Twitter, BandsInTown and even Instagram.

We proudly present Colibri. The perfect WordPress theme for Singers, DJs, Bands or any other busy musician. Why it’s the best? Because it’s the first of its kind.
Take a look for yourself.
Our customers LOVE it
Some features of Colibri
- Visual Composer Page-builder
- One Page feature
- Soundcloud Integration
- Twitter Integration
- Bandsintown Integration
- Instagram Integration
- AJAX Integration
- Mailchimp Integration
- Redux Framework admin panel
- Built on Bootstrap 3
- Unlimited colors
- Photo Albums
- Video Albums
- Custom Background Image for each page
- Next Level Parallax
- Nice Intro Animation
- Demo .xml file included
- And many more…
Some websites using Colibri
Scope of support
We can help you with:
- Responding to questions or problems regarding the item and its features
- Fixing bugs and reported issues
- Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software versions
We can’t help you with:
- Move the element “X” or change the color of the element “Y”
- WordPress general how to’s (please, use wordpress.org for that)
- Customization and installation services
- Support for third party software and plug-ins
- Individual server issues
You can read more about item support policy here.
Colibri Changelog
24 April 2016
- Compatible with WP 4.5;
5 March 2015 – v.1.1.0
- Added: Loader option (on/off).- Added: Color picker - unlimited colors;- Solved: dev_mode notice from Redux.