LinoFeast: Restaurant Responsive WordPress Theme

LinoFeast: Restaurant Responsive WordPress Theme

With a responsive design it’s compatible with devices like Tablets, Smartphone’s, iPad, iPhone, and Android Phones too. Try resizing your browsers to see different layout option or watch the site in iPhone using the QR Code in the Screenshot to see perfect responsive design.LinoFeast is a very powerful theme with many features easy to edit for users without programming knowledge and for developers too. It empowers you to change any color of elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu links, typography etc.

The main content block is placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position, so it is crawled first by search engines, so it’s SEO Optimized. LinoFeast has tons of features like Sliders on any page. Unlimited colors, Unlimited portfolios without or with sidebars, Sortable Portfolio, 500+ Google fonts, 7 custom widgets, 100+ of Shortcodes, Testimonials Post Type and much more.


  • Flex Slider – by WooThemes
  • Elastic Slider – by Coddrop
  • Nivo Slider – by dev7studios
  • Planbox Slider
  • Single Video
  • Static Image
  • Custom Slider – for thirdparty Sliders
  • Video Stage Slider
  • Video Slider Supports Shortcodes.
  • Supports YouTube and Vimeo too.
  • 4 Header Styles
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Unlimited Sidebars
  • 300+ Icons from Fontawesome
  • Left Sidebar option
  • Right Sidebar option
  • Full width page option
  • Assign Slider on any page.
  • Disable breadcrumb for any page you wish
  • Use Left/Sidebar for any page you wish
  • Add sub header background color for any page
  • Choose subheader background image for any page.
  • Add Page Background for any page.
  • 500+ Google Web Fonts
  • Staff presentation shortcodes
  • Sticky Bar on top
  • Events Custom Post Type
  • Events list template
  • Events list carousel
  • Events Single Page
  • Food Menu Categories
  • Food Menu Shortcode
  • Food Menu Post Types
  • 2 New styles of shortcodes for Food Menu
  • Business Hours Labels changing option in language tab in options panel
  • Admin notification for booking requests
  • Custom Background Image for pages
  • Custom Background Image for posts
  • Custom Subheader Image for pages and posts
  • Custom Subheader Teasertext for pages and posts
  • Food Carousel Shortcode
  • Events Carousel Shortcode
  • Testimonials Carousel Shortcode
  • Category Archive for the Food Post Types
  • Category Archive for the Blog Post
  • Reservation Confirm/Unconfirm/Cancel
  • Custom Email setup for booking request
  • Custom Email setup for booking confirmed
  • Custom Email setup for booking status changed
  • Change Week Day Starting provided in the theme options panel
  • Widgetized Footer
  • Wordpress Custom Menu Support
  • Unlimited Sidebars. Create and select any sidebar for each page.
  • 500+ Google Webfonts.
  • Unlimited Color Skinning Options
  • 7+ Custom Widgets
    • Twitter
    • Flickr
    • Popular Posts
    • Recent Posts
    • Contact Info
    • Contact Form
    • Sociable’s
    • Testimonials
  • Custom Post Type
    • Food Menus
    • Testimonials
    • Events
    • Reservation
    • Slider
  • Multi Threaded Comments
  • 100’s of Custom Shortcodes
  • Portfolio Single Page with Attachment Sliders
  • 9 Post Formats (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Image, Gallery, Quote, Status, Video)
  • Built in Shortcodes Generator.
  • Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export for options settings.)
  • Blog Style Layout
  • Custom Backgrounds
    • Header
    • Sub header
    • Footer
    • Teaser
  • Stretched and Boxed Layout
  • Google Map shortcode (Multiple Marker)
  • Google Map With Custom Color Stylers Integrated
  • Extensive Documentation
  • Child Theme Compatible
  • Localization ready
  • WordPress MU Compatible
  • WordPress 3.5+ Ready
  • Text Widget Support Shortcodes.
  • 100+ Custom Shortcodes
  • Wordpress MU Compatible
  • OOP Framework.
  • Advanced Options Panel (Import or Export the theme options panel settings.)
  • Blog single post with threaded comments
  • This theme skinning options empowers you to change any elements such as backgrounds, texts, links, menu, typography, etc.

Fonts & Colors Editing

  • Over 500+ Google fonts offered with theme
  • Unlimited combinations of colors editing for many elements
  • Background Images – You can also upload background images on per section bases instead of solid background color for subheader, body background etc.
  • If you want to change only less places select only theme color from options panel and for menu define your own style.

Custom Widgets

  • Contact Form – Displays the quick contact form. Input email id to display.
  • Contact Info – Displays the quick contact info with address, name, state, city, zip code, email, phone etc.
  • Flickr Photos – Display the flickr photos with limiting the photos
  • Popular Posts – Display the most popular posts based on comments with title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and content is chosen
  • Recent Posts – Display the most recent posts with title and date with no of comments or title and post excerpt. Also provides you an option to display post thumbnail or no image. Limit the number of posts to display. Limit the characters to display if title and content is chosen
  • Sociables – Displays a sociables saved in theme options panel.
  • Table Reservation – Display the reservation form
  • Testimonials – Displays testimonials within selected categories and limit options.
  • Testimonials Submission – Submissions for testimonials which will be posted by visitors and you can publish it or approve it if you would like to display in on the site.
  • Twitter Tweets – Display the recent tweets with limiting the tweets and displays the tweets posted status

Custom Sociables

Theme comes with default sociable icons of 16×16 pixels sizes can be added easily from theme options panel. Displays on right side of the header or footer.

Custom Sidebars and Sidebar Positioning

Theme provides unlimited custom sidebars option where you can add for pages or posts. Display the sidebar positioning left of right side for each page or posts without effecting the code hierarchy as the main content block is always placed before the sidebar regardless of the sidebar position. It’s best for SEO to have your sidebar on the right so your main content is crawled first, if you use a left sidebar to show your most recent posts they will rank higher in SERP (Search Engine Results Page).Theme currently has 6 Column support for the footer where you can place the custom widgets or default widgets including the Teaser text for the footer area.

Theme Localization

This theme is Internationalization and localization built into its structure to easily used for different languages. Few texts in the theme have an option to change texts in theme options panel. You can change the week days labels in your language in theme options panel.


Theme comes with simple, easy and feasible option to use shortcodes built in the theme with just one click. Theme have almost 100+ Shortcodes including typography styling and blog posts styling.


v5.1.0 – Updated – 6th May 2016
Fixed : WooCommerce CompatibilityUpdated : TGM Class Plugin ActivationUpdated : Breadcrumb NavXT to v 5.4.0Updated : Business Hours Pro Plugin to v3.5.2Fixed : add_object_page deprecated function removed
v5.0.0 – Updated – 17th December 2015
Fixed : Issue with responsive for the frontpage boxesFixed : Issue with flexslider speed optionAdded : WooCommerce CompatibilityAdded : Woocommerce MiniCart OptionFixed : Fixed Header issue with boxed modeFixed : Responsive issue with logo alignment.Added : Location Taxonomy for the different restaurantsAdded : Email option for the location taxonomyAdded : Localization for the location text in formAdded : Business Hours Pro Plugin Worth $15Updated : TGM Class Plugin ActivationUpdated : Breadcrumb NavXT to v 5.3.0
v4.0.0 – Updated – 13th July 2015
Updated : jQuery PrettyPhoto to latest versionUpdated : TGM Class Activation PluginUpdated : Flex Slider Javascript to latest versionUpdated : Ei Slider Javascript to latest versionUpdated : Nivo Slider Javascript to latest versionAdded : New Reponsive menu which is toggle option for child menusAdded : Theme Suppot for the title-tagAdded : Breadcrumb-NavXT to latest versioAdded : Time picker added with selecting the time optionFixed : Ei-Slider issue with fadein and OutFixed : Ei-Slider Caption not enabled by defaultFixed : Datepicker not displaying the selected date on pageFixed : Localization for all the missing stringsFixed : Responsive issues with all the devices
v3.1.0 – Updated – 30th January 2015
Added : Empty paragraph elements display none.Fixed : Compatibility with WordPress 4.1Fixed : The efficiency of meta and tax queries has been improved.Fixed : Child theme bugs in the recent updates.Updated : Compressed more javascript files for better performance.
v3.0.0 – Updated – 19th November 2014
Added - Child Theme extendibility optionAdded - New Style Template for ReservationAdded - Weather Fonts in New Reservation TemplateAdded - Fixed Header StyleAdded - Section Fullwidth backgroundAdded - Section Fullwidth parallax backgroundAdded - iPhone 5 responsive media queryAdded - Nexus device responsive media queryAdded - Fancy Heading stylesAdded - Fancy Heading border optionAdded - Fancy Heading description optionAdded - Subheader extra padding option (page meta)Added - Subheader background properties option (page meta)Added - New Responsive Menu StyleAdded - All Carousels 'Heading' Alignment optionsAdded - Carousels 'Items per Carousel' for Blog and EventsAdded - Food Menu Template Responsive Columns IssueAdded - Hide Reservation Button when day is closed.Added - Date Format option from theme options panelAdded - Weather Location option for Reservation Template 2014 StyleAdded - Weather Unit for Reservation Template Fahrenheit/CelsiusUpdated - Carousels Items responsive layout issueUpdated - New Fontawesome v 4.0+Updated - Complete responsive.css stylesheetUpdated - Testimonial presentation for carouselUpdated - navigation for owl carouselsUpdated - Events carousel UI presentation modifiedUpdated - All four header stylesUpdated - Superfish Menu styles and scriptsUpdated - Header Layout vertically center alignmentUpdated - Nivo Slider Caption text transform to normalUpdated - Flex Slider Caption text transform to normalUpdated - Elastic Slider Caption text transform to normalUpdated - Slider Caption position changedUpdated - Date Picker Formats from theme options panelUpdated - Options Panel Admin UI fuild layoutUpdated - Compressed the page meta options ui.Fixed - Security vulnerability fixes in admin-interface.phpFixed - Fixed undefined variables in events metaFixed - alignment center for the sociables on staffRemoved - edit page link from page and stretched template
v2.0 – Updated – 4th June 2014
- Added: Increase the subheader image padding- Added: Background case added in meta-generator.php- Added: Display Child Categories in menu page- Added: Owl Carousel and removed jCarousel- Updated: .POT Template File- Updated: WordPress default color picker- Updated: Twitter tweets enocode for Spanish Characs- Updated: Breadcrumb separated when subheader disabled- Fixed: Localization Issue with Reservation Post Type- Fixed: Carousel Not working in few browsers- Fixed: Date issue for the events pages- Fixed: Testimonial Shortcode issue solved.- Fixed: Blog shortcode pagination issue- Fixed: Frontpage shortcode/blog pagination not working
v1.7.1 – Updated – 20th March 2014
- Fixed : Header Styles not working issue
v1.7 – Updated – 4th January 2014
- FIXED: Input and texteara width in testimonial submission widget.- FIXED: Reservation form select box width issue.- FIXED: Testimonial submission widget title missing.- Added: Food Menu title Google Font Option- Fixed: Contact phone only numbers issue- Added: Food Menu Category listing Shortcode- Added: Display Menu Types with different orders- Added: Google Font Preview Option* Modified Almost all the files *
v1.6 – Updated – 26th August 2013
- Added : Taxonomy Events Category Listing- Added : Custom Post Type tag listings- Added : Reservation Export Option Datewise in theme options- Updated : TGM Class Activation Plugin- Fixed : Wordpress 3.6 Compliance- Fixed : Testimonial Submission Form css- Fixed : Description Walker with WP 3.6 Compliance- Fixed : eiSlider bottom spacing issue- Fixed : Responsive Issue with eiSlideshow- Fixed : Tag Listing spacing- Fixed : 3.6 Calendar Timing issue in select options- Fixed : Tabs and Toggles undefined indexes- Fixed : postID issue for tag listings

v1.5 – Updated – 29th July 2013

- Fixed : Custom Slider not working Issue - Fixed : Single Menus Page Issue when no price mentioned - Fixed : Price Item Saving Issue - Fixed : Post Meta issue in author page - Fixed : Post Meta issue in post loop - Added : Events Menu Order

Updated – 18th July 2013 – v1.4
- NEW FEATURE : Price Color change in theme options- NEW FEATURE : Disable responsive mode from theme options- NEW FEATURE : Theme options color picker popups onclick on input field- Fixed : Custom Slider not working Issue- Fixed : iPad Landscape and Portrait Issue- Fixed : iPad Menu Price float issue- Moved : Testimonial Submission text from theme options to widget
Updated – 8th July 2013 – v1.3
- Fixed Menu Color Issue- NEW FEATURE : Menubar Color Option for header 2 and header 4 style- NEW FEATURE : Menu Font Properties in typography section- NEW FEATURE : Added Menu Display Order in theme options panel- Modified : Font Properties Section in typography section- Fixed : Different theme color issues like border colors fixed- Fixed : Accordion border issue- Fixed : EI-Slider If slider title is empty small dot issue fixed- Fixed : Flex-Slider If slider title is empty small dot issue fixed- Fixed : Nivo-Slider fade Issue- Fixed : Different Header Styles Not saving- Fixed : Food menu shortcode set to menu_order by default- Fixed : Archive page post meta disable issue- Fixed : Copyright background stretched in boxed layout- Fixed : Blog single page post meta disable issue- Added : Now Input area have color picker in theme options panel- Fixed : Events Text Capitalized removed- Fixed : Menu Text Capitalized removed- Removed : framework/admin/js/ajaxuploader.js

Updated – 30th June 2013 – v1.2.1

 - Fixed Page Layout Issue - Fixed Slider Page Meta options not saving

Updated – 29th June 2013 – v1.2
 - Fixed 3.5.2 Compatibility - Fixed Page Meta options not saving - NEW FEATURE : FoodMenu Shortcode Supports Additional Prices.
Updated – 14th June 2013 – v1.1
- NEW FEATURE : Additional Price Option for menu item- NEW FEATURE : Updated Twitter API v1.1- NEW FEATURE : Business Hours Widget- NEW FEATURE : Twitter API Settings Tab Added in theme options- Fixed : Blog Template Category fetch- Fixed : Events Carousel date issue- Fixed : About Us, Events Page external links removed- Fixed : Carousel Food categories fixed- Fixed : Shortcode Food Menu title link
Updated – 22nd May 2013 – v1.0
    - Initial Release