Niarra - Creative Responsive WordPress Theme

Niarra - Creative Responsive WordPress Theme


The same AWESOME EXPERIENCE on all devices, from desktops and notebooks, to tablets and smartphones.

When we say that the template is responsive, we mean that EVERYTHING inside this template is responsive, not only the HTML. The sliders, galleries, lightbox, everything is responsive.

Try resizing your browser to see how nicely everything falls into place :)

Showcase your work, be it photos or any kind of videos, with this state of the art fullscreen gallery. Your visitors can share and like any photo or video separately thanks to our advanced custom social sharing script.

    Check out its awesome features
  • Responsive
  • Mobile Swipe
  • Deep-linking
  • Advanced Social Sharing
  • Optional HTML5 Music Player
  • Supports Multiple Categories
  • Play Vimeo, Youtube or HTML5 Video
  • Two display modes: Fill the screen or never crop
  • Multiple transitions: Fade, Wipe, Slide, Slide-Over
  • Optional HTML5 music player w/ Flash fallback

Read more about GalleryJack


Ok, so this lightbox is reponsive and mobile friendly, well that’s great. But what’s really awesome is the unique capacity of this lightbox to share every image/video/asset separately, thanks to our custom advanced social sharing script. That’s right, the days when you would click on a share button and share the whole page is over, now you can actually share or like the specific image/video you are viewing.

    Check out its awesome features
  • Responsive
  • Mobile Swipe
  • Deep-linking
  • Advanced Social Sharing
  • Vimeo, Youtube and HTML5 Video & HTML5 Audio – All with Flash and mobile fallbacks
  • iFrames and Custom HTML
  • Gallery style thumbnail strip
  • Item grouping, image info, and just about everything you could ever want in a lightbox


This is a simple yet impressive slider, which allows you to showcase any type of image or video (Vimeo, YouTube or local video). It’s elegant, simple, useful and responsive, and it comes packed with a really nice set of features.

    Check out its awesome features
  • Responsive
  • Mobile Swipe
  • Two Display Modes: Simple and Advanced
  • Link any slide to a Lightbox item
  • Advanced mode supports Vimeo Video, Youtube Video and HTML5 Video
  • Supports description info


Now this is real sharing!

Normally when you view a gallery and “share” a gallery image, you’re really sharing the gallery’s html page, not the actual image from within the gallery! Well, we just didn’t like that, and in Niarra, when you share an image from within the lightbox or fullscreen gallery, YOU SHARE THE ACTUAL IMAGE .How does this work? Simple. Both the lightbox and fullscreen gallery use deep-link urls for each image. And as a result, when the user clicks “like”, “+1” etc., the deep-link url to that particular image is shared. Simple yet super effective. And this gives the user the opportunity to “like” every single one of your photos!


    Here are the cool widgets we included in NIARRA
  • Recent Blog Posts
  • Recent Tweets
  • Flickr Photo Stream
  • Featured Works
  • Quick Contact Form
  • Newsletter Form
  • Contact Info


NIARRA comes packed with a complete set of pages and features, nothing more, nothing less. It has exactly what you need.

    Check out its awesome features
  • 2-5 column Responsive Galleries w/ Resposive Lightbox
  • 1-4 column Responsive Portfolios w/ Responsive Lightbox
  • HTML5 Audio & HTML5 Video, Youtube Video & Vimeo Video with Flash & mobile fallbacks
  • Custom built HTML5 Video Player with real fullscreen capability
  • Localization ready (Already translated to Romanian Language)
  • 7 Custom Widgets
  • Shortcodes
  • Contact form
  • Sample data and theme options (OptionTree Plugin) setup files included
  • Well documented
  • Dedicated support


Niarra runs on its own custom built animation engine that utilizes both CSS3 and HTML5 technologies for high-performance transitions across all browsers and devices. It’s called JACKED , and was developed by the coder of 50andJACK.

Read more about JACKED


Music used in the preview by fifty_tons (the designer of 50andJack)
“The World is Mine” | “High Tech Erotica”

“Portrait” video shown in the preview by inmediahive

Buyer Testimonials

sunfellow on Niarra – Creative Responsive WordPress Theme

Clean, crisp, beautiful theme.

kaelaria on Niarra – Creative Responsive WordPress Theme

Great looking theme and options!

Updates History:

  • July 01, 2013
    - Version 1.2.5
    - Fixed twitter tweets feed bug
    - Files Changed: includes/widgets.php
    - Files/Folders Added: includes/get-twitter-feed.php, includes/twitteroauth

  • Version 1.2.4 – February 20, 2013 Fixed sitemap page bug, fixed translation issue of alert shortcode, fixed link issue in toggle shortcode, added new section in home page where you can show custom text block in fullwidth as requested by couple of buyers.

    Files Changed:
    sitemap.php js/jquery.niarra-core.min.js functions.php template-home.php includes/shortcodes.php includes/tinymce/tinymce.js
  • Version 1.2.3 – February 4, 2013 Add new feature to let you choose specific categories for a portfolio page.

    Files Changed:
  • Version 1.2.2 – January 23, 2013 Fixed featured image bug in contact page.

    Files Changed:
  • Version 1.2.1 – January 11, 2013 Fixed custom css and custom javascript bugs.

    Files Changed:
    header.php footer.php
  • Version 1.2.0 – January 11, 2013 Added feature to choose individual gallery for gallery page, added related work feature, fixed works item selection issue.

    Files Changed:
    functions.php gallery.php single-niarra_work.php
  • Version 1.1.0 – December 17, 2012 Fixed a bug in gallery page, added options for the slider as custom meta boxes while adding/editing a page. Fixed layout in single portfolio page.

    Files Changed:
    This was a relatively big update so lots of files got updated
  • Version 1.0.1 – December 11, 2012 Fixed a lightbox layout issue and fixed a couple of issues in shortcodes.

    Files Changed:
    jquery.niarra-lightbox.js widgets.php
  • Version 1.0.2 – December 12, 2012 Fixed a column layout issues in ipad.

    Files Changed:
    gallery.php portfolio.php template-home.php